Sunday, November 13, 2011

Singing in the Rain

I had the most lovely weekend! Gabe had a three day weekend and it couldn't have been more perfect! It was cloudy and rainy all weekend, which made every day feel like Christmas.

We danced to Christmas music on the record player
We drank pumpkin spice lattes and hot tea
We opened all the doors and windows and listened to the rain
We wore sweaters and slippers
We made chicken soup
We watched football
We wrote songs on the guitar
We slept in (as much as you can sleep in with two babies in the house) and took naps
We watched movies
We took walks
We looked for the moon
We ate too many chips and salsa
We had friends and family visit

I took long showers
I went to the store without the kids
I didn't have to make breakfast, lunch or dinner
I had time to make my hair pretty

It was a fabulous weekend. God has truly bless us with everything we could ever want and need. I love the family he has given me, the friends he's allowed to come into our lives, the opportunities he's given to share His love with others. Enjoy each day the Lord has given you here on this earth and keep Christ at the center of everything you do. He will bless those who truly seek after Him.

Monday, November 7, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The night I got the new Coldplay album on vinyl, I played side one on the record player. As I laid on the floor listening to the first song, Evy came and laid on my chest listening as well and Jack rocked back and forth on the hands and knees next to the speaker. I thought this moment would be over in a minute or two but to my surprise the kids stayed in the same position the entire first side of the record (which is about 30 minutes). That was probably one of my favorite moments with my kids. I will never forget it.

I am falling in love with these kids more every day! They're at the best age and I wish I could freeze time just so they could stay this way forever. :) Why do kids have to grow up?? Evy's favorite thing to do right now is take any toy Jack happens to be playing with and throw it in the trash. HAHA. Don't know what that's about. Jack is a bit food obsessed. He never liked baby food. He eats everything we eat with no problems. But he does drive me crazy when he sees any kind of food at any time, even if he's just eaten, and he starts whining because he wants it. I'm surprised this kid isn't bigger than he is. He eats twice as much as Evy eats right now. Which is pretty crazy cause that girl can eat too!

Well, I'm getting super excited for Christmas. I just ordered Perry Como, Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole's Christmas albums on Vinyl. I cannot wait til those come in. We're also getting a real tree this year! I've never had a real tree growing up so this will be the first and I'm really excited about it. Who knows, I may end up hating it and going back to an artificial tree next year but I'll never know til I try it. When I was pregnant with Evy over Christmas one year, I had a vision of Evy running around in her boots and hat while we were at a Christmas tree lot picking out a real Christmas tree. My vision will be coming true this year. :))) YAY!

Hope you all have a fabulous chilly day today! Drink hot chocolate and snuggle up under a blanket! :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

You Remind Me of Home

We got this amazing 1963 new-to-me vintage stereo console with a turntable this past weekend and I am in LOVE! Our mornings now consist of listening to records such as Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Nancy Sinatra's "These Boot Are Made For Walking," the West Side Story Soundtrack, while I make breakfast for the kiddos and some instant coffee for me. It's been fun. I am anxiously awaiting the new Coldplay album on Vinyl to show up at my door very very soon. I cannot wait!

That's what has been going over. Along with decorating and trying to complete our house. Our front room has a 60's vibe to it and I can't wait to put the finishing touches on it. I'm thinking some owl decorations and colorful art is in order. :) I'll post some pictures on the finished product soon!!

Well, I gotta get these kids down for naps right now. They love their naps. They beg me for them. HAHA. It's pretty awesome!! Hopefully I'll remember that I have a blog and will post more. :)