Friday, July 29, 2011


The transition from having extra hands with the kids to having only my hands has been a little difficult. I will admit that I got pretty stressed out nearly everyday this week, but I am trying to stay optimistic. I know it'll get easier. I just need to get back into a good routine, but I just haven't quite figured it out yet. I think the stairs in my house just really throw everything off. I cannot wait to move. I daydream about what it is like to live in a one-story. I imagine all the things the kids and I will do when we live in one story. Not that I can't do those thing now, but having a two-story makes things a whole lot harder with two kids under the age of two. It's just a fact. Since Jack isn't holding his bottle quite yet and needs to be fed and rocked to sleep in his room for naps, I have to leave poor Evy downstairs all 16 months of her by herself and the whole time these crazy thoughts run through my head!

What if I left the toilet seat up?
What if she sticks something in the outlet that I still haven't gotten around to plugging up?
What if she's jumping on the couch? She could fall and break a bone!
What if she gets into the cabinet with all the cleaning products?
What if she gets onto my computer and deletes everything?
What if she has my phone? She could totally break it...or drop it in the toilet!!
What if she MAKES A HUGE MESS!!!

Yeah, stuff like that. It's a big stress factor. Those things would probably be running through my head even if we had a one-story though. So, maybe that's a bad reason to hate a two-story. But here are a few more reason I hate it.

We hardly ever play in Evy's room. It's really sad. And I tell myself "today will be the day that we will go upstairs and play in Evy's room." But it NEVER happens. And I'm totally to blame for that. I want it to be a natural thing. I want her to be able to access her room whenever she wants. And right now she can't because of the big gate in front of the stairs.

Carrying two kids up and down the stairs. Now, I hardly ever carry both of them up and down the stairs but there are those times when I just don't want to make 2's terrible...I know.

Forgetting something either upstairs or downstairs. This one sucks. I hate when we've gotten settled upstairs and then I remember that I forgot something very important downstairs. Then I have to take Evy back down with me because I can't risk her falling down the stairs.

We have to buy double of everything. We have 2 changing stations, two diaper genies, we have one potty for Evy but we really need two if we're going to potty train her, we have two tv's, we had two microwaves when Jack was a newborn to warm up his get the point

Having to go downstairs in the middle of the night to get Jack a bottle if he wakes. WORST. THING. EVER.

See, those are just a few examples of why living in a two-story sucks and why not having those extra hands during the day especially in a two-story is stressful. So, I'll be happy in October when we can move into our new one-story.

That is all.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Well the handsome hus is back to work tomorrow. :((( SAD DAY!!!

There are so many many things I'm going to miss...

*Not having to change every single poopy diaper
*Cuddling under the blankies with daddy every morning
*Not having to carry two kids up and down the stairs
*Not having to make breakfast every morning
*Having an extra hand at those times it gets a little too crazy
*Being able to have some alone time every once in a while
*The easiness of grocery shopping with 2 kids
*Getting out of the house more
*Swimming everyday

I simply cannot wait until next summer. Please come quickly.


Thursday, July 21, 2011


Currently I am sitting in my resort hotel bed, watching movies, blogging, studying proverbs, napping. It is so wonderful. Gabe and I ended up getting a little vacation in Lake Arrowhead, CA. He is here for a Teachers Conference while I get to lounge by the pool, shop in the lake front village center, and basically do ANYTHING I want. I'm gonna head out here in a bit to grab a bite to eat at the little cafe down the street. This is the life. It is seriously gorgeous up here. I wouldn't mind living here one day. But I'm sure it'll never happen.

This morning for breakfast we went to a Belgian Waffle House that had a beautiful view of the lake. Man, was it tasty.

I'm missing my babies. I'm hoping to Skype with them later. I cannot wait to get back to them and give them a million kisses and cuddles.

This is what I've been missing

Well, I'm off to lunch. Hope your week has been fabulous!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I used to HATE the summers here in Tucson. If you live here you know exactly why summers in Tucson are awful. But this year I was determined to find something I could enjoy about summer. And it worked!!! I have fallen in love with summer!! I made a list in my journal of the many things I LOVE about summer. And I thought I'd share them with you. :)

1. Sundresses

2. Summer Thunderstorms

3. The long, lingering daylight hours

4. Watermelon

5. The smell of sunscreen on kids

6. Farmers Markets

7. Picnics

8. Iced Coffee

9. Swimming

10. Cherries

11. Drippy Ice Cream Cones

12. Kids playing in the sprinkler or hose

13. Pretty Sandals

14. Blowing Bubbles

15. Staying inside when you've had too much sun, blasting the ac, and watching movies

16. Cute swimsuits

17. Sitting in the shade on a hot day

18. Flip flops

19. June bugs hissing in the trees

20. Feeding the ducks at the park

21. Not having to wear socks

22. Cold showers before bed

23. Sun tanning

24. Ice Cream Trucks

25. Gabe being off work

26. Drinking ice cold Diet Cokes everyday

What are your favorite things about summer?????

Thursday, July 14, 2011


A four month old baby is probably one of my favorite ages.

They're all smiles all the time
They've just discovered their feet 
They don't have an attitude and can't throw fits (unless they're tired or hungry) 
They're sleeping through the night
They take 2 good naps a day 
They roll from their front to their back 
They love to jump 
They love to grab things with their hands and bring it to their mouth

I just love four month olds. :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We built a fort today. :)) Evy insisted that Jack be in the fort with her. It's so wonderful that she already sees Jack as a playmate. When she is playing outside, she'll come in the house and show him everything that she found. "Jackie, rock!" "Jackie, ball!" It's the cutest thing EVER! Just a few more months and he'll be playing out there with her. I am so thankful that they are so close in age.

Pretty things

1. Pretty heart breakfast

2. Pretty party

3. Pretty summer dress

4. Pretty carnival

5. Pretty yummy

6. Pretty girls room

7. Pretty shoes

8. Pretty sweet treehouse

9. Pretty craft room

10.Pretty cool ring

Monday, July 11, 2011


Summertime is for popsicles and...

running around in your diaper at your grandparents house with a hose.

And a time for nice warm bubble baths afterwards.
