Tuesday, June 7, 2011


As a wife and a mom of two kids under the age of two, I understand why it's so easy for us moms to stay in our pajama's all day. My kids wear. me. out.

Evy Rose is 14 months and extremely energetic. It is NEVER a dull moment when she is around. She wakes up at 530am, never likes to sit, always running, cannot watch something on tv for more than 2 minutes, demands my undivided attention, loves dance parties with mama, loves to eat, hates the carseat, loves eating dirt, loves going on walks, loves to wrestle with daddy...I could go on forever. She is a handful. But a handful that I love more than words could explain. She is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I never knew that I could have so much love for someone.

The Jackie Bear...he is 3 months old and is my little cuddle bear. He loves to smile, adores his older sister, loves sleeping at night (not so much during the day), loves talking, loves his hands, hates being hot, loves music, hates driving in the car, hates pacifiers. He is probably the greatest baby that has ever lived. :) But like all babies, they are hard work. I sometimes wish he would grow up a little faster because a one year old is easier than having a baby...to me anyways.

Gosh, I love these kids.

After having Jackie Bear I decided that I would not be one of those moms that wear t-shirt and jeans all the time. I was sick of it (plus, I was still wearing maternity jeans long after having Jack). So I recently made a challenge for myself. First, I have to get dressed every day. There are no pajama days in this house. Second, I must wear something other than jeans. I can wear skirts, dresses, or shorts. Third, I must wake up before the kids to workout, get ready and have my quiet time with the Lord. I started this a few weeks ago and I love it. I actually enjoy getting dressed every day and picking out what I will wear for the day when before I use to dread it. I hated that I was still wearing maternity jeans. I hated that my "muffin top" would show in almost all my shirts. Now, wearing dresses I not only hide the excess weight I have since having kids, I also feel pretty. And when you get ready and have your quiet time with the Lord before your kids wake up, you have more energy, like you're ready to take on the world. I get out of the house more, we go on walks around the neighborhood more, we have dance parties more. It has been life changing. The hubs doesn't seem it mind it either.

Are you moms up for the challenge?? I challenge you to try it just for a week. You will love it, I promise.


"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a women who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

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