Monday, May 30, 2011


For all you young moms out there...Have any of you moms been thinking about where you will send your kids to school and why?? Or if your kids are already in school what did you choose and why? Public, private, home school, charter.

I've been thinking a lot about this lately and I'd like to hear what other moms have to say about it.

Thanks for your input.

1 comment:

  1. Well, my kids started at private school. I felt that it was our job as parents to protect them and lead them toward living a Christ-centered life as completely as possible. Lots of sacrifices to afford it, but SO worth it when they talked about their teacher praying with them over problems/issues - and when we went to CHRISTMAS programs, not holiday programs, and got a week off for Easter, not spring break. Made them so used to God in every area of their lives (as it should be!)
    All of that said, this year I am starting to home school - eek! This is a huge leap of faith...I was always one of those moms quite outspoken against home schooling, and guess what? God brought me to my knees and made me realize that He calls different people to do things at different times and for different reasons - and all He cares about is that we listen to Him. So, I'm not sure why I'm starting this new season of life/school/craziness (I'm sure), but I'm excited to so clearly hear His voice and follow the plans He has for my life!
    Such an enjoyable blog :)
